

A fantastic little booklet handed in to us almost at the same time by two of our members: Jim Neil and Morag Gordon. Good to see that Jean McMurdo was involved in producing this. Not sure when it was produced.

Download the booklet HERE

A little booklet called “Daunerin” by Sam Wilson was handed in by CHG member Billy Anderson. Contains some anecdotal stories about New Cumnock and Old Cumnock schools etc which folk might find interesting! I’ve attached all the chapters in a pdf file HERE

Member Geoff Miles donated this small memoir of James Keir Hardie produced shorty after his death in Glasgow in 1915 by Robert Smillie, Trade Unionist; Ramsay McDonald MP, the first Labour Prime Minister and Mary McArthur the Trade Unionist and Women’s Rights Campaigner.

Containing many anecdotal stories and photographs of Keir Hardie’s funeral this is especially poignant in this the centenary of his death in September 1915. You can download the 13.8mb PDF HERE

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